When I feel seen- truly seen, like when a laser beam goes straight bam into my soul kind of seen…almost like in the game of monopoly- “go straight to jail, do not pass go”—this laser notion of “feeling seen” does not first go to my brain for analysis or pondering- it goes straight to my heart…When I feel that kind of seen—or when I’ve sensed I’ve done it for someone else- the afterthought is unexplainable—except to say: “I feel seen”…
The irony or oddness of that statement is that it’s not like I feel seen because the other person- the writer, the friend, the community person, the colleague, sometimes a family member—doesn’t actually say (or write) something that speaks to what can actually “be seen” like with the eyes!
In fact there is NO amount of lighting or fancy dress wearing, or hip boots wearing or glamorous hair or prettiest make-up that actually leads to me “feeling seen”.
And in fact what that feeling of “feeling seen” is referring to- what that spark that becomes ignited inside— is NOT visible at all!
It is felt…
It is acknowledged…
It is understood…
It is comforted…
It is held…
It is belonged,
It is embraced,
It is empowered,
It is believed,
It is valued and validated,
It is heard,
It is known,
It is…honored…
…There is SO much emphasis put on what is seen with the eyes in our general, daily society—maybe because the outwardness expression of “being seen”—is what’s visible…
Interesting how the tangible version of “being seen” in that sense is then also so fleeting…
So much emphasis on the fleeting moments of life and being…
But it’s in those moments of “feeling seen” that lasts- that lingers—that takes me from one part of my day to the next- and even sometimes into the night as I continue to feel held-able to drift off to sleep without a concern…
As I step into this new corner of the New Year, what will I focus on in my own self talk, self expression that enables/enhances “being seen”? …For, it’s in those moments of allowing myself to “be seen”, that I then also allow for opportunities to “feel seen”….And man, there’s no other “feeling” like it!